James Cook University Indonesian Student Association --- check our posts in Indonesian languange

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

JCU Blessing of the Academic Year

James Cook University Indonesian Student Association presents 5 Indonesian Folk Songs in the JCU Blessing of the Academic Year (March 6, 2013):
Apuse - Rasa Sayange - Cik Cik Periuk - Kampuang Nan Jauh Di Mato - Gundul-Gundul Pacul
Singers: Antin, Yayak, Iben, Ary, Cynthia, Lucia, Zainab
On Keyboard: Deasy.

The Lyrics and Translations:

Apuse (Grandma and Granpa)
a song from Papua

Apuse kokondao
Narabe sorendoreri
Wuflenso baninema baki pase
Arafabye Asuarakua
Arafabye Asuarakua

Grandma and grandpa, I am going
Going to a foreign country, the Doreri bay
Clutching a handkerchief and waving hands
Goodness me, take care, my grandchild
Goodness me, take care, my grandchild

Rasa Sayange (The Love)
a song from Maluku/Molucca

Rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
Lihat Ambon dari jauh rasa sayang sayange
Kalau ada sumur di ladang
boleh kita menumpang mandi
Kalau ada umur panjang
boleh kita bertemu lagi

Rasa sayange, rasa sayang sayange
Lihat Ambon dari jauh rasa sayang sayange

The love, the love, love
See Ambon  (the capital city of Molluca) from afar I feel this love, love
If there is a well in the field, we may bathe there
If we have longevity, we may see each other again

The love, the love, love
Seeing Ambon from afar I feel this love, love

Cik Cik Periuk (a Clay Pot)
a song from Kalimantan/Borneo

Cik cik periuk belanga sumbing dari Jawe
Datang ne' kicapbuk bawa kpiting dua eko‘
Cak bur belanga picak indung gigi rongak
Sape kitawa dolo' dipancung raje tunggal

A clay pot, a cracked clay pot brought from Java 
Once came an old woman who brought 2 crabs
Splash splosh, the crabs are thrown into the pot, pug nose and toothless
Whoever laugh first, will be beheaded by King Tunggal

Kampuang Nan Jauh di Mato (Our Homeland Is Far Away)
a song from Sumatera

Kampuang nan jauh di mato
Gunuang Sansai Baku Liliang
Takana Jo Kawan, Kawan Nan Lamo
Sangkek Basu Liang Suliang

Panduduknya nan elok
Nan Suko Bagotong Royong
Kok susah samo samo diraso
Den Takana Jo Kampuang

Takana Jo Kampuang
Induk Ayah Adik Sadonyo
Raso Mangimbau Ngimbau Den Pulang
Den Takana Jo Kampuang

Our homeland is far away
Surrounded by highlands 
I remember my old friends 
While I play my flute

The citizens are friendly 
They love helping each other 
stay together in sadness and happiness
I remember my homeland 

I remember my homeland 
Mother, father, siblings and all relatives
Feels like it was calling me home 
I remember my homeland

Gundul Gundul Pacul (Bald Head, a Hoe)
a song from Java

Gundul gundul  pacul cul gembelengan
nyunggi-nyunggi wakul kul kelelengan
wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak latar
wakul ngglimpang segane dadi sak latar

Bald bald, hoe hoe, untrustworthy
Carrying a pot of rice, irresponsible
The rice pot fell, the rice is all over the floor
The rice pot fell, the rice is all over the floor

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